Lovely light: moon and sun
The more I take photographs, the more I observe light’s nuances.
I love the light through the woods especially early morning and early evening.
I love the light in my home as it reflects on the warm wood, the walls of my living room (golden yellow) and kitchen (barn red) … I am sure that I am NOT in the current fashion re my color scheme, but I love an Autumn palette and it feels warm and cozy to me … especially with the light filtered through the trees around the house.
Right now, mid-late Spring, the light is very similar to Autumn.
And we have had a lot of sunny days: blue sky, fluffy white clouds, Crayola colors of sky blue and grass green.
I always enjoy the changing light, but this year … in the time of COVID-19, I appreciate it even more. I am so very grateful that I live on my bit of woods with some state land (public, but landlocked by about 8 properties and I rarely see another human!) adjacent. Auggie, Emmett and I can talk our long walks, run, play, stand and enjoy … I do not take that privilege lightly at all. I am grateful every single day that my legs work and my eyes and my head and heart and that I can breath in the fresh air as I am out with my dear companions.
I pray. I give thanks to my Heavenly Father. I say Deepak Chopra’s daily intention:
Joyful, Energetic Body
Loving, Compassionate heart
Reflective, alert mind
Lightness of Being
I move through my day, lighthearted and carefree, knowing all is well
I reflect on the hymn: It is well with my soul
When peace like a river attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll, whatever my lot
Thou has taught me to say, “It is well, it is well with my soul”
If you think those are “just words”, I invite you to hear the history of the man who wrote those words.
And then, reflect on lovely light … on the light of the moon and the sun and all things beautiful, even in the midst of fear and sorrow of current circumstance.

It is well …. it is well with my soul!
4 Responses to “Lovely light: moon and sun”
So beautiful!
Thank you, Liz–this brought tears.
I was thinking of you as I saw your comment … I cut my bangs today :)
We are all stretching and growing in so many ways. I did another bang trim too :)
I think so many of us have been cracked open–able to appreciate so much more these days. I appreciate that which I took for granted now that I am either going without or learning to do myself. I think about those that went before us, seeing them from a new vantage point of understanding, gratitude and tenderness.
Gratitude is everything … changes perspective in so many ways.
I know I have said this in posts, but the last several years I have read so many books that are set in WWII conditions. As I put current circumstance against those WWII circumstances … good grief … I want to say BUCK UP for pete’s sake :) Your words are much kinder ….
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