Productivity in a world gone mad
Even though I have NO excuse, considering my lifestyle before COVID-19 is not much different than during, I STILL had a long period of … the doldrums.
I have had short spurts of non-doldrums, but until a week or 10 days ago … GAH. And I have felt so guilty for the drag because: see above … NO excuse.
Last year, at this time, I was in a work hiatus as a bid process resolved at my primary client. A projected 30 day hiatus ended up as a 4.5 month hiatus, which strained my budget and retirement planning. And yet, all of that time, and a list of things to do and learn and …
I did do a lot of thinking, learning new skills … BUT, it also felt like I did not accomplish much.
Fast forward to the last 3-4 weeks.
I got my groove back.
I reset my schedule.
And now, I am getting work done, enjoying time with Auggie and Emmett (including continuing teaching/training) AND I have completed some items that have been on my “to do” list for over a year:
- Blog updates
- House and yard tasks
- Misc maintenance items
I’m feeling pretty good at the moment. I hate to even write that as I feel like in the next moment, all will regress. Oh well. At THIS moment, while there are “to do” things, I am feeling good about my current schedule of:
- Auggie and Emmett time
- Me exercise and reflect time
- To do list time
Things are getting done and the accomplishment of that is contributing to a wonderful sense of well being in a world gone mad.