Friday Joy
Some photos from the past week to celebrate this Friday … with JOY!

I wrote in a previous post that the “common harebell” were not showy. BUT, this year, they ARE showy! There are a lot of them in my woods and many multiple blooms. Beautiful!

Well, thistle. I confess that I LOVE the blooms. But the stalks are kind of yuck and they can take over. So. I enjoy the blooms and then whack the plants before they go to seed.

We had a good week and I am looking forward to a quick visit to Farmer’s Market in the morning. I have pre-ordered so have a no contact pickup, plus we (Montana) are under a Mask Required Mandate (YEA!) which applies to the Market. Market is outdoors and I anticipate that with the directive and climbing numbers, people will also be distance respectful.
So, Happy Friday and hope all had a good week!