Super Saturday

Saturday morning :)
Montana’s Governor: Steve Bullock, issued a Mask Mandate last week. I am extremely grateful for this.
With privilege comes responsibility and unfortunately, Montana did NOT step up. If “we” had behaved with responsibility in masking when appropriate and distancing, this directive would not have been unnecessary. And now … whatever, I am happy that there IS an official stance and in my limited experience out and about, it has been kindly adhered to. Yea!
I went to Farmer’s Market this morning to collect my “no contact” online order of vegetables. All were masked and also, all were distancing. Yea!

The first garden tomatoes!!! Heirloom and a few slicers. Zucchini, cucumber, mini lettuce, cabbage … hidden carrots and uncured garlic.

Pickle pack!!! Pickling cucumbers, dill and fresh garlic. Tomorrow is Pickle Sunday :)

Next week, there are some 90F days in the forecast, so A/C 1 of 3. In place, filters cleaned, tested and good to go.

The pickling pack is on deck. I plan to prep tonight and so be prepared to pickle early on Sunday … when it is cool.

Meanwhile …

Also on Saturday’s list was adding 2 more motion sensors to our Guardline system.
I am not concerned about human intrusions, but more about wildlife intrusions. I like to open the house to cool overnight, but have concerns about wildlife being attracted to house cooking aromas. So… a number of sensors around the windows furthest away from the bedroom. We will see!

Super Saturday here. Hope your Saturday was super also.
2 Responses to “Super Saturday”
Just catching up on all your posts. I love all the photos! We have to wear masks to the supermarket since yesterday. A fine of €150 if you are not wearing one. Greece has few cases and even fewer deaths but tourists are bringing in the virus apparently. We are lucky in our area as we seem to be Covid free. And it isn’t a tourist Mecca.
Thank you, Margaret! I am so happy to hear that your part of Greece is Covid free and hope the mask mandate controls tourist incoming.
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