More birthday fun
First, thank you to all who commented and emailed such lovely birthday wishes! Always appreciated, but especially now!!
And even the emails from companies for whom I am a client. Several discount codes which I might take advantage of, but also some special wishes:

A lovely watercolor image from my Medicare Part C provider. And there is a story.
Last Fall, I was approaching my Jeep after grocery shopping and a man of my vintage (maybe a bit more), asked me about the Jeep. We chatted and somehow ended up on health insurance and Medicare. He gave me the name of his Part C representative with HIGH recommendation. Sarah, returned my calls immediately and ultimately, I went with her company, Humana, for my Part C. Sarah also guided me through the Medicare signup and we hope to meet for a cuppa when it is safe. I owe “Bob from the grocery parking lot” but that is as much as I know about him except that Sarah agrees with me that he is a thoughtful, sweet, gentleman!
Then… hopefully the below link works. I am not sure how long these links stay live. This is a JibJab video customized with Auggie and Emmett headshots for my birthday e-video-card. I LOVE it! (it might not look like a link, but click on the text below.
From my “boss” at my primary client …
Meanwhile, bedbugs or woods bugs or hives???? I have received much advice as well as my neighbor, a retired pharmacy tech who has seen a lot … she retrieved me from dropping off the Jeep for service. We talked, she looked at the welts … a new thought. I dunno. I have looked at many internet photos.
BUT. The bedbug traps arrived today and they are installed so we’ll see tonight.

My hand in the photo for size reference. The traps are largish to accomodate bed legs of various sizes. There is some slippery stuff in the base and the idea is that bedbugs, that do not fly or jump, will become enmired in whatever and then we will know!

We are ready. All 4 legs of my bed are set in the traps to see what we can see.
Holy COW! I never, ever thought that I would have this kind of mystery. I am not sure what to wish for. I’d love if there were no critter infestation in my house, but if a woods thing … no resolution until a killing frost. And if hives … why and from what?
***Note the next morning 8/18 … no bugs in traps. I think I am happy about that.
But to end on a fun note. If you watched the birthday e-video-card and liked it, here is an Apple video that I continually laugh at. The video is a kind of subliminal promo for Apple OS collaborating tools, but if you have paid attention to current “Zoom meeting” stuff re the whole Covid-19 work from home paradigm … anyway, it is hilarious if you have some context.
For the record … I kind of identify with Bridget, although a much older version…
And of course, I talk to my cat!!!