Status: Thursday 9/17/2020
Yesterday (Wednesday 9/16), there was some blue sky in the morning !!!!

So we had extra morning outside time: play, teaching, coffee on the front porch, treats, etc., etc. SO nice!!
Shortly, the smoke descended and we resumed inside …

It was a “tail out the bed kind of thing”… I have said that if there is ever a contest for fluffiest tail and bottom … Emmett and Auggie will win, HANDS DOWN !!

Or you know … cover your very private parts with your oh so fluffy tail.

Well, YES!!
So. Bottom line is that Emmett had mange-scabies. And me, also. Auggie ??? But we treated us all.
The GREAT news is that while mange-scabies does transmit to humans (me), it can only live “off the canine” for 72 hours. That means that once the mange-scabies is killed on the canine, the human will be scabies free in 72.
Which proved to be TRUE. Emmett was treated on Wednesday, 9/9. I had no new stuff as of Sunday 9/13.
Per a teleheath with my Dr. on 9/14 we treated me anyway … erroring on the side of precaution. BUT … JOY!!! treatment was easy (lotion head to toe … not greasy and I took my time, but not difficult to apply) and I’ve had no issues.
The protocol is that we do all again in 2 weeks, but … I am so grateful that it is this form of scabies which is canine origin and not long lived off the canine!
I did do another extensive round of vacuum, steam clean, wash bedding, hot dryer for some stuff and 72 hours in plastic bag for some things …
But, Holy COW!
I am over the moon to be free of night time itching, etc. and that Emmett is not itching and Good Grief… despite the discomfort, I am grateful for the education.

so, normal-ish…

Rats … Thursday morning smoky sunrise.

But we go on.