How are those craft projects coming along?
My progress is likely not as fast as most crafters/crochet-ers … BUT, I am happy with how things are going and more important: I am having BIG fun!!

I just finished joining the third skein of loop yarn in the blankie…

So, about 1/3 done … I think. And, I think 6 skeins will be perfect size-wise, which allows me to make a scarf from the 7th. This yarn is VERY soft and cozy, so think it will make a wonderful scarf.
On to afghan squares.
I finished the first last weekend and am about 2/3 of the way with the second. There is one more block with this part of the kit and then I wait for the second kit.

So, I am not the fastest crafter person. Based on the YouTube videos I’ve watched, many whip up the blankets in a day or 2. And I am sure long time crochet-ers would do the same with the blocks.
BUT, we have walks and play and chores and baking and work, so … I am just very pleased that things are moving along and I am always happy when I can find 10-15-20 minutes to do a few rows of one or the other. I have also found that it is a pleasant activity to do for 15 minutes before bedtime … slows down the whirl of work and news. I do a bit, take Emmett out for out last short walk and then I am ready to sleep.
The craft projects are coming along!
***Updated 4:35 10/23
So, this is what the afghan is supposed to look like when complete:

Above is an image from the instructions.
5 Responses to “How are those craft projects coming along?”
Those are both beautiful, Liz! But, most important is that you are finding it enjoyable :)
Thank you and yes! I just added an image of what the afghan is supposed to look like when complete.
That blanket is coming along splendidly! It’s going to be really cosy. And why hurry with the crochet? It’s supposed to be an enjoyable relaxing pastime.
I am the same with my knitting. I have been knitting socks with a group of knitters mainly from Sweden and Norway. They can knit a pair of socks in two days! But it’s not a competition, so I just enjoy the process and take my time.
Nice to see real snow. It’s been mixed here with a lot of rain and fog but we usually don’t see any snow until after Christmas.
All your photos are beautiful – even when I don’t comment, know that I’m enjoying them! love to you and the boys!
Thank you for all you wrote, Margaret!!
I just this morning found a pattern for a hat with the looped yarn, so a hat instead of a scarf with the 7th skein. I have 2 scarves that are gray/cream/black so really didn’t need another but I do need a cozy hat and think it will be a lot of fun to make.
The crochet is more fun than I anticipated, even with the occasional undoing and redoing as I realized I’d miscounted and thing were not lining up. I have learned (re-learned) a lot with these first blocks.
“Enjoy the process” … YES!! Whether craft or work or walking or baking … it has taken me years and I still need to remind myself … kind of like “it is the journey, not the destination” :)
Love back from all of us!!
Oh and re comments … I much prefer comments when something is particularly special to a reader or a question vs what I call “cheerleader” comments on every post … so no worries!!! I love hearing from you whenever :)
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