How do we move forward?
I am writing this post before resolution to the U.S. Presidential election.
I do, however, know some of the U.S. State of Montana election results.
I am not happy with Montana and when I saw results this morning, my first thought was to call a realtor and “get the hell out of Dodge!” And I had a long, angry, ugly, head rant. I felt horrible about my horrible thoughts and it spurred me to really examine how I wanted to move forward.
And there it is. We all have to move forward. I don’t know how things will play out nationally. And while I am not happy about how they played out in my state … we have to move forward. We have several crises: pandemic, economy, climate change, racism. But maybe the real crisis is how do we come together, stop the name calling and the blaming (I’ve done my fair share in my head :( ) and move forward.
Whatever the national and other regional outcomes, how do we stop the meanness and work together on solving problems.

I believe we need to take the high road. I believe we need to put aside “sides” and look at options to resolving problems and issues. It will not be easy at all. But, I firmly believe that until we stop being on “sides” and start looking at compromise and listening to one another … we will be lost.

Let’s not be lost!
Let’s all take the high road!!
Let’s work together, whatever/whoever and THAT, THAT (not who) is what will make the U.S. and the entire world great.