This week!
At my house, it has alternated between “winter” and almost winter and today, Sunday (11/15) it is approaching 40F so an ugly melt-down.
C’est la vie (that’s life) !! I am thinking about a crash course in French as I continue to follow Vendee Globe 2020 and many of the skippers are French … Vendee Globe is a FRENCH thing!!! … so their videos are in French and I would LOVE to understand what they are saying.
But, despite my inadequate French, I do get a taste of personality from inflection, facial expression and what they choose to share.
The official Vendee Globe 2020 website has an English version of everything and some of the videos get updated with English subtitles so all is not lost in what skippers are saying.
To date, it has been very exciting [to me] … slower progress and 3 fronts … one which was TD Theta. The first week was intense and low on rest/sleep/meals/downtime for ALL of the skippers. There is a great video wrap of the first week:
At home … work, walks, play, teach … some family stuff, ya know … life!

Sunday evening … a good work week, a good “get outside and play” week, a good “interact with the world” week.
The Vendee Globe is so worth exploring … IMHO :) Many of the skippers are sponsored by organizations that are involved in ocean health, climate change, children’s health charities, and other planetary improvements. It always brings me close to tears when I read the stories behind why each of the 33 skippers are participating in a physically/mentally grueling challenge. Yes, they would LOVE to win as would their sponsors. But there is more behind all of the participants.
To me, it is some of the best people (skippers and their entire teams) vs as well as FOR the environment.
This week: some “normal”, some challenges, some learning … a good week!