Winter light
Actually, Winter dark! The days are short.
Here, at 48N, sunset is 4:40 p.m. and with the sun angle very south, it is dusk shortly after 4:00 p.m. Sunrise is after 8:00 a.m. Short days
Two weeks until the Winter Solstice and we turn around to longer days.

Daytime has not been exceptionally bright the last few days. The cloud deck is low. Temperature is a constant 27F day and night. The humidity from the low cloud deck makes it feel colder than 27F.
BUT! Emmett and I have returned to walking on the State Land behind my property. Hunting season is over. The bears are hopefully denned up but at any rate, the vegetation has died and I can see over the terrain.
It is wonderful to add more variety to our outings.

We get longer walks and more stuff to sniff!

Winter light.
***EDIT Especially for Margaret … so sorry … I returned the drone. It just was not the right time for it. One day!
3 Responses to “Winter light”
Oh, well, I’ll just keep on enjoying the ground photos! It’s always lovely to see nature and the boys!
From the ground vs the air … that is one of the primary reasons that I returned the drone. I can’t really fly it above the trees here. Not because of regulation, but because I do have neighbors and I think they would not be happy … I would not be happy if someone was flying a drone over me, even if they did NOT publish. And then when I thought about controlling the drone just over me as I was walking … recipe for disaster (for me AND the drone) and the footage would not be much better than I can get from my action cam on a “stick”. This version of the little drone does not have the “follow me” functionality so it needs to be actively flown, i.e. I need to be able to walk on a stick/rock strewn path, keep an eye on Emmett and fly. Right.
I see your point. I wouldn’t like my neighbours to be filming me with a drone either – it’s a bit of an invasion of privacy. And also looking down when walking is essential even on the roads here as they are full of holes and other traps for the unwary.
Anyway, I love your ground based photos!
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