Friday Snow Day

Snowy Friday morning…

The dark o’clock walk…

It was not cold … 29F.
When I get up, I think … Oh, I would really like to just make some coffee vs that first outside walk. But, that would not be fair to Emmett, so out we go and once we get out … I LOVE the fresh air and often dawdle longer than necessary before getting back inside.

Emmett is a VERY GOOD BOY and deserves a treat!!!

My little snow covered house in the woods!
But … snow removal …

I thought to shovel as earlier the snow seemed light.
But warm temps meant shoveling was difficult.


Of course! As soon as I finished clearing a path, it started snowing again.

In the house, yogurt making in progress.

Work in progress…

…and a cozy fire!
It is Friday night – Pizza night – YEA!
Friday Snow Day.