A cold, but beautiful week!
Yea baby, it is cold outside!
The bitter cold was forecast and actually, it did not get quite as cold as forecast and additionally, we did not get as much snow as forecast.
Still. It was a cold week!

When it gets below 10F, Emmett gets “Musher’s Secret” on his paws. It is a wax that protects his pads and helps with the melt/freeze/snowballs between his toes. Going from 62-64F house to below 10F means his warm feet melt snow and it quickly freezes and causes discomfort!

Auggie checked it out. Auggie has been going out on the front porch and occasionally as far as the garage, but then he sneezes and heads for home. Smart cat :).
Meanwhile, Emmett and I have been taking more frequent, but shorter walks and outside play time.

Inside games commence!

Enjoying the sunshine inside and a view outside…
Me … I am liking a warm fire!

The Vendee Globe sailing race continues with 6 skippers crossing the finish line this week, including Pip Hare, the first British skipper (and 2nd female skipper), Kojiro Shiraishi, the first Asian skipper, Alan Roura (Swiss), Stephane le Deraison (French), Arnaud Boissieres (French), Didac Costa (the only amateur … finishing his 2nd Vendee Globe).
I have watched every finish, every channel parade and every press conference.
I have applauded, jumped up and down, fist pumped and cried at each and every finish. The joy on the faces of the skippers at having completed their “around the world, solo, no assistance” races is just stunning and never fails to move me.
And then … the finishers are not only met by as much crowd as is allowed with COVID-19 restrictions … and this is often in the wee hours of the morning with wind blowing, COLD rain falling … but this is the pride of France and all supporting people … AND, by the competitor skippers that finished days ago that are still in the area. They turn out as well with hugs all around.
There is a shared experience and risk in a very remote part of the planet, that goes beyond who wins. It is sportsmanship like nothing I have ever seen. It restores my faith in humanity and in perseverance and dedication to a dream.
There are 5 more skippers on the race course. There are 2 skippers that had to abandon the race for repairs, but chose to finish their circumnavigation (vs shipping boats home). I will be watching until the last skipper is safely back to Les Sables d’Olonne.
It has and continues to be a life changing experience.
I have resolved to learn French before 2024, the next Vendee Globe. Although many of the videos and content was in English and/or had English subtitles, there was much content that was in French. It is a French event. COVID-19/social media/WhatsApp/YouTube made it a bit more international, but I would love to get the entire experience.
PLUS, learning a new language … brain exercise and I take as much opportunity as I have time for, to learn new things!!
I spoke to a work colleague who came to the U.S. from Nicaragua as a youth. I asked for any advice regarding learning a new language. His response was “Immersion” … immerse yourself in the new language … no mollycoddling!! He didn’t say mollycoddling .. my words, but his point was that he gained fluency very quickly because he didn’t have a choice.
So, while I have a subscription online for Babbel (French), I am also watching YouTube French videos … all of the Vendee Globe which I will rewatch and try to train my ear to hear words. I watched a lot of the videos with French subtitles to help me hear words.
I have 4 years.
I don’t think I will be a fluent, grammatically correct speaker, in 4 years, but I hope to be able to listen and understand.
*** Friday, 2/12/2021 was Emmett’s 3rd birthday! I am more about his “gotcha” day, but we had a good day :)