A bit more Winter
We had early Winter late October, early November and since then, it has been Winter-lite.
Until last week when it got VERY cold …
But now, it has warmed and at my house, on the very edge of the storm(s) causing havoc in the mid and south … a very nice 8 ish inches of powdery snow – YEA!

…the end of the dark o’clock walk this morning.

Some small critter … you can kind of see the arc of prints to the right of the porch upright … the prints had fun around the house, but the snow was so light, that the impressions were not distinct: too small for raccoon, too small for fox … I don’t think skunk would be out … I don’t know!

After walk treat time! Auggie does not go on the dark o’clock walk, BUT he does participate in the treat ritual :)

Holy Cow!
Emmett and I did the “state land short loop” which is a just over .5 mile jaunt. I was on my short snowshoes. My thought was to get a track down while the snow was light. It is supposed to warm into the upper 30’s/low 40’s and I thought it would be easier to “lay a track” while the snow was light and dry.
It was deeper than I expected and I was EXTREMELY challenged on my ‘shoes. Walking, on dry ground, I do this bit in 18-20 minutes. In the deeper snow, on my short ‘shoes, it was 33 minutes … a LOT of breaks to catch my breath and by the time we finished, I had perspired through my first layer and my legs were wobbly and I was VERY happy to get home.
I should have taken a photo … shortly after I arrived home, my watch gave me notice that my “recovery was delayed” and I was “likely to feel more tired”. Ha! I already knew that!!

Naturally, Emmett recovered fine! But, in my defense, this was after a 2 hour nap. If I had taken a 2 hour nap, I think I would have recovered fine also.
Above photo, late afternoon as he “porpoised” through the snow after an industrious squirrel: plop – plop – plop. Good for Emmett!!

Thankfully, the warmer temps enticed Auggie out for a longer time. Auggie has been pestering Emmett and me … cabin fever!!! … some outside time hopefully takes the edge off.
Otherwise, work is busy, 2 more Vendee Globe skippers finished (YEA! They make my days and bring JOY to my heart!), some cooking/baking things to share are in the works … AND, I have spent some time with video and hope to have something video-wise to share after the weekend!!
I am sorry if you are somewhere where the winter storm thing is dangerous… My thoughts and prayers with those that are without power, etc…