Our week end

It was a Winter week end after a warm and sloppy week. We enjoyed fresh snow and mild temperatures.

It was mostly gray skies with off and on snow squalls, but still great to get outside!

I thought I was smiling a little when I took this … guess I hit the shutter when I was concentrating too hard on getting us all in the shot … rats!

A new service, that I am VERY excited about …

A local family started a milk and dairy delivery service … not daily like the milkman of yesteryear, but a weekly service. There was an article in the paper a bit ago and at the time, they were not delivering to my area, but I signed up to be notified if/when they were … and YEA … my service starts this Friday.
The box above was dropped off on Saturday. It is a “front porch” box, but with the state of my driveway, I contacted them and mine will be an “end of the driveway” box until the snow melts! (***they text on delivery so Emmett and I can trot out and collect our stuff when it arrives!)
AND!!! … in addition to dairy products from Kalispell Kreamery, there are other items available: eggs, bacon, ham, beef, honey, coffee, hot sauces … these are all local made/grown products. The beef and pork are from local farms that are hard for me, as a single person, to buy based on typical quantities required for purchase … not to mention having to drive a distance to those farms. I am thrilled that this is available and FWIW, the prices and delivery fee are VERY reasonable.
Although, they started the business shortly before COVID-19, their timing was great. I hope, hope, hope that the business does well!

Naps after snow play … and lest you think that Emmett is sad that Auggie is in the dog bed…

There are plenty of comfy spaces for a dog to have a nap!
And … I found the gray dog blankets … in the back of the Jeep!! I forgot that I had them. They were the bottom layers of cushioning in the back of the Jeep covering the lumpy stuff that allows a back seat to be installed. So, I swapped what was on the little sofa with the gray and while not “House Beautiful”, we are slightly more color coordinated.

And Emmett is happy, which is the important thing :)
Ok … a movie. Not THE movie. THE movie was longer and I worked on this short bit of clips to troubleshoot my upload issue. Upload issue resolved, but out of time to do the longer movie… so, a few snippets from a walk we took two weeks ago: