The milkman commeth
Some weeks ago, I posted about a new delivery service…
Montana Milk Moovers :)
Tomorrow will be week 3.
I am VERY HAPPY with their service…

A business operating after my own heart!!
This young business has leveraged a great idea with great technology and is DELIVERING!!!

Yessss !!!

HOT STUFF!!! Locally made tomatillo hot sauce – it is delicious.

Above is my week one order and yes … I am 5 … I ordered chocolate milk.
I am thrilled with this service.
The options and ability to adjust every weeks order are super good.
And I have an Easter ham on order – YEA!
Many cheers for this young family who saw a need and used their brains and technology to deliver a very useful service with a great business model. HOO – HOO – HOO RAY !!!