A perfectly awful week
There is no way to sugar coat it.
It was an awful week.
The “good” news is that Emmett is ok. He looked for Auggie the first 2 mornings, but has not seemed morose or otherwise disturbed.
For Emmett’s sake, I have focused on him and a varied routine to include some new games and new training/teaching. But that helps me as well.
And I also focused on getting my work done. My “boss” told me to take time if needed, but I know he is under some pressure and I wanted to deliver … plus, it helps me to stay in the work routine.
This weekend, things kind of fell apart for me.

That says it all.

Yes, well … I’m dealing with some emotional knots, but working on being more like my dear dog!

And enjoying some spring-like sunshine …

Right, then.
***Edit 3/15 7:30 a.m. The source of the quotes: Jean Grainger’s “Last Port of Call: The Queenstown Series”, is a wonderful and uplifting book. Although, it is the start of a series, the book stands on it’s own without a cliffhanger ending, but allowing for the series to continue. The characters are interesting and intelligent. The above quotes are just a few of the gems that were very comforting to me this week. A little about the plot: Queenstown, Ireland, was the final port of call for Titanic in 1912 and the story starts there, but the port was a port of call for many Irish, immigrating to America to escape the unrest and devastating economic conditions of that time.
4 Responses to “A perfectly awful week”
I’ve thought so much about you this past week. Sending you a hug..
Thank you, Sue!!
I am sending hugs as well, Liz.
Thank you, Steph!!
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