Friday thoughts
A good work week.
Sleeping is improving: I am eating a carby-cheesy supper to help…
I have Auggie’s cremains and as in past losses … these are strangely comforting. At some point, I will let them go, but for now … I hold on.
Otherwise …
Holy cow … some stuff that is not monumental at all, but requires some attention:
My mailbox which has been listing to starboard … finally gave way.
BUT, I was fortunate, that after a morning of phone calls with zero results, I obtained … thanks to my local hardware … the name and number of HandyBears Handyman family and I do believe that I hit the jackpot.
Stay tuned.
On other fronts … an issue with my bathroom sink plumbing was also resolved. This is no small thing as all of the local contractors are crazy busy. I happened to call my plumber when he was to be passing by and he … and another stopped and fixed and I am so, so happy to be back in business in my bathroom sink.
The State.of.Montana.
The governor saw fit to lift the mask mandate, while saying that he intended to mask and encouraged mask wearing, etc., i.e. covered his backside to all comers.
Some local businesses are adhering to science, some are not.
I am again grateful for my little spot of sanity (my 8 acres and adjacent 40 acres of state land) as well as my work committment AND for Emmett’s companionship.
We soldier on!

2 Responses to “Friday thoughts”
I got my second covid shot last Sat., but will continue to wear my mask if/when I go out. Living my normal hermit lifestyle and only out for occasional grocery shopping. Very little in the outside world calls to me…especially with Amazon available!
“Very little in the outside world calls to me…especially with Amazon…” .same with me!!! I’ve had my first shot, but also do not intend to stop wearing a mask after the 2nd. I’ve not been a restaurant fan for years … thankfully love to cook, etc. I am very happy with my own company and internet “socialization”. I have done a Zoom cocktail party (HEE!), Zoom cheese tastings – lots of fun and I would never GO to either. I like picking and choosing my dose of “people” !!
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