Work(s) in progress
Early October 2020, I started on a looped yarn throw (now done!!!) and a crochet sampler blanket.
The sampler blanket was a subscription thing: yarn, video and written tutorial for 3 blocks every month … 30 blocks altogether. (craft projects)
I got stalled on the crochet project at block 9. I received the next 3 months yarn, etc. and after finishing the loop yarn throw was gung ho to get back to the afghan …
There was one block in the 1st nine that was a complex repeat of 5 rows. Even the video tutorial said: “do whatever you need to do to keep track of rows…” After undoing things multiple times, I ended up printing each row’s instructions in VERY LARGE type with highlighting – 1 row to a page. I shuffled the 5 pages as I worked each row. It was not much fun and visually, I was not that fond of the open pattern.
When block 10 looked to be similar, I groaned and thought about a strategy … and then … THEN, I said … NO!!!
First, I thought to repeat the blocks that I enjoyed (visually and working) and then … I can’t remember how I happened on crocheted granny squares.
But, I was enlightened and I made a trial square with the afghan yarn. SO.MUCH.FUN.
Then, I dove down the YouTube rabbit hole of granny square tutorials.

And then I saw this and shame on me, I neglected to get the link … but I was inspired. I thought … I can join the 9 squares I have completed, and do some grannies for a kind of border and “Bob’s your uncle”, I will have a nice “back of the chair” thing that I like and enjoyed making.

So above is the 9 squares joined and a base row for ???? To the right are some trial granny squares. I am undecided at the moment as to how I will proceed …
And a note … the 9 joined squares are not quite as wonky as they appear in this photo! Plus, I will block and square things up with more border between the 9 and a surround of grannies.

When I bought this house and furnished this room … which I have always called “the boys room” as the counter high table (originally thought to be a craft table) has been home to cat food and there used to be a cat tree by the window … But, after losing Auggie, I did a small reno … rearranged and freshened and it is currently the craft room.

So. A crafting area to the left. To the right, what looks like a small chest is actually a “shell”, open in the back, that hides my ice cream maker and a fryer. Underneath: carrier, footstool awaiting recovering and a small freezer.

Above, the open back of the pseudo chest housing the appliances … I bought the “chest” on Etsy several years ago and love it. And Auggie’s cremains are in a beautiful box with a brass nameplate on top of the chest … so a kind of companion, in his spot, as I work quietly on a project.
I typically work for a bit, standing at the table … a break from sitting at the computer. Emmett lies near on the floor or on the day bed. So, although I am crafting, it is still the boys room.
I find the crochet work very relaxing and calming. I wrote above that I work quietly, but I often listen to a podcast as I’m working and lately have been listening to Dr. Susan David’s series on Emotional Agility. I listed to her Ted Talk titled the same, in the early days of the Pandemic. I found my way back to her words as I deal with the loss of Auggie. I will link a few things at the end of this post. I am finding her talks very helpful.
Back to crafting.
In addition to finding the crochet work calming, I really enjoy crochet tutorials on YouTube. I think the nature of explaining and showing how to do the stitches, lends itself to a slow, measured explanation and I find that peaceful. And I wanted ideas and techniques for joining the squares, doing the border … and the more I watched and looked, the more things I want to try.

The quilt above, that is now on the back of one of the living room chairs … it is nearly in tatters. It was a gift from a friend, over 20 years ago. Dogs and cats and life … but I LOVE the colors. SO … next project a replacement granny square thing in similar colors maybe …

I have bought a lot of yarn (another order due tomorrow…) It is all on sale! And at first, I was scared into buying a lot of each because of “lot” dyes. Now, I think, it is not that important (the lot dye) as I’m planning multiple colors. We will see.
I exchanged thoughts with Margaret (long time blog reader living in Greece and super, wonderful knitter!) Thank you, Margaret! I have since ordered small samples of various types of yarn: cotton, merino wool, bamboo and blends. The afghan and current samples were worked in “acrylic”. I hope I love the more natural fibers!
And I have some more storage options in mind. Watching the videos and seeing other’s yarn stashes … what I’m thinking is a lot is NOTHING!!
Outside, Spring is trying. I saw the first Robin today! I am not a Robin fan, but still … they are harbingers of Spring :)

Those little rosebud looking things are smaller than the nail on my little finger. They are the beginning of this year’s succulents in my little front porch garden.

Emmett-y Emmett … at my feet looking out for deer or squirrels or turkeys!

Happy, happy dog to be outside!

I am happy to be outside also. Yes, I have shed my share of tears on a few of our walks, but mostly, the fresh air, the wind in the trees, the mountains, the sun and the sky … and the companionship of Emmett make for heart healing… work in progress.
The links below. What I very much like about Dr. David’s talks is that she starts with her kind of “buzz words”, but then explains them and THEN says: “here is what that looks like in real life”. THAT is the key for me, the real life examples that explain how the concepts might be applied. I don’t feel left with a “pie in the sky” psycho-babble concept that sounds nice but I have no idea how it might work for me :) .
I think this trailer is a good place to start. If you watch this short trailer and Dr. Susan David’s thoughts resonate with you, then … you can search for her Ted Talk or videos on Emotional Agility as well as a podcast with Brene Brown titled: Toxic Positivity (OH, yes … this hit home for me!)
Another short YouTube video that was helpful to me currently:
One Response to “Work(s) in progress”
Spring is probably my favorite time of the year anymore. Life starts again after “hibernation”. So encouraging the older I get!
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