A rough day
Yesterday, Tuesday (4/6), I got my 2nd COVID-19 jab. I had only a little soreness in my arm for the first, but the 2nd … a tough night with really bad arm pain when I moved … ok when I stilled, but I think I woke every time I moved in my sleep so Wednesday started with that feeling of “I need more sleep” … BUT, I knew from 1st jab, that if I got up and moved around, the arm pain would go away and it did.
But, I was still in a state of too little sleep and also slight chills (nothing like teeth chattering kind of thing), mild nausea, fatigue …
So, side affects or just lack of sleep … whatever. After a short, a medium and a long walk with Emmett, I gave up and took a nap.
Did some work.
Everything kind of felt like it took horrendous effort.
Skipping forward to this evening … MUCH better. I did have an afternoon nap and considered a 2nd, but pushed through.
Ultimately, I got about 1/2 day of work done, nearly normal Emmett out and about and play, and fed us both – HURRAY!!
I think we will be good to go tomorrow with “normal” energy.