This week: a wrap!
Despite our little mid-week hiccup … we had a pretty good week!
I completed a number of work tasks – YEA!
A fun bread bake(s) using a new bread board for shaping:

I have noticed that when I take time to shape properly, my final results are much better. And I noticed that many of the shaping videos I watched … the bakers were shaping on wood surfaces.
So, I went searching and found the bread board above on … same supplier of our beloved little kitchen sofa. The board arrived this week and I’ve taken it for a spin for rolling out Naan (above) …

…as well as shaping a new recipe: Seeded Spelt-Rye Sourdough.


I am pretty happy with crust, crumb and flavor. I will be experimenting with some variation in flour and hydration, but this first go was very good and I loved working on wood! AND, the lip will be great for attaching my pasta maker which has had issues trying to attach to the counter top.

Today’s weather was 100% blue sky! It was cool with a VERY brisk and fresh cold-ish wind, but still … just wonderful to be outside. Today is also the 3 year anniversary of Emmett’s arrival at the fambly Summers so we had extra walks and treats and enjoyed and reflected. Yes, horrible sadness that Auggie is not with us, but we did have 3 years all three of us and they were wonderful years.

The first little lupin!!! For reference, the lupin above are about the size of my little finger fingernail. But, there were a lot of them here and there.

The two of us …

After our walk, I set up 4 cameras: DSLR, Omni Action, iPhone, iPad … and filmed something that I am calling “The games we play” (much editing to be done!)
Above photo is the end of that session. The pillow is a target for one of the games and Emmett decided that he had had enough of everything and/or was just tired (me too!), so “the end”.
Happy Friday to all and on with the weekend. Some exciting plans in the works … stay tuned :)