The weather outside is delightful
Yep, delightful, not frightful!
There have been a few hot days, but they have been not too bad and surrounded by cool days … and some rain!

So, it is looking VERY green in the woods.
The grass and brush on the state land is now high enough that we don’t walk out there … to difficult to see wildlife and obstacles on the path.

BUT, it is perfect for fetch with knobby and playing in the hose. I think Emmett has been perpetually damp for the last week.
So far, nothing is disturbing the plants on the front porch…

And the microgreens are LOVING being outside.

A great harvest this week!

A surprise in the newest fuchsia basket …

Some of the dark eye variety in with the pink and white :)
It is actually a pretty mix. We’ll see how many of each as they keep blooming!

Meanwhile, enjoying the weather and the woods – delightful!