Front Porch Gardening, cont’d
Before continuing …

Yes … YIKES!!!
The good news is that I have all three of my behemoth A/C units set up and running. Provided we have no electricity supply issues, Emmett and I will be cool :)
So, Front porch gardening …

I filled out the tiered planter with some herbs: 2 varieties of thyme and some coleus and impatiens for color.

AND, I bought 3 tomato plants: 2 “Husky Cherry” and 1 “Manitoba”. Both are low, shrub kind of plants that should do well in containers … hopefully!

A moveable “garden” … tomatoes in fabric planters in the wheelbarrow (for now) and the tiered planter.
All of the wheelie things allow a chasing of the sun!

Early days, but so far … all is doing well and no overnight critter munching!

I know it is likely to be mid or end of August before I have tomatoes (assuming things continue well), but one of the cherry tomato plants has a wee tomato and some blossoms. VERY exciting :)

Meanwhile … We take MANY “sprinkler” breaks!!
I am using time playing in the sprinkler as a reward for coming when called and generally good behavior of any sort. It also gives ME (and my back) a break as I do the “gardening” and other outside chores.
So.Much.Fun !!!

Sprinkler head!!

Small batch of potato and egg for potato salad. I captured in a video (soon :) ), but Instant Pot to the rescue for summer cooking: steamed beets, pasta for pasta salad and the above potato salad fixings.

Morning after planting … Tomatoes set to catch the first morning sun…

Lovely, cool, early morning … from the front porch.

Sharing, next to me … a little fuzzy critter on the impatiens!
Here we go, Summer!
FROM the front porch :)