But, we still do early mornings :)
Last night, I wrote about my summer-time sleep habit of afternoon (late afternoon) nap and then enjoying the evening into the late (for me) hours.
But, Emmett and I are still up and outside early, enjoying the cool morning. Margaret noted in a comment last post that I am adopting “Mediterranean rhythms” – she lives in Greece. Interesting!
This morning, after our first walk, I told Emmett that he could stay outside while I made coffee … if he wanted to.

He did, but he kept a somewhat worried looking eye on me through the kitchen window. Usually, he follows me inside and I left the door open so he could, but it was so nice out …

Still waiting…

Finally! Coffee in hand, Emmett with a treat and I had a look at the tomato plants…

THAT!!! That is the first Manitoba tomato!

Some baby Husky Cherry tomatoes!

The top largest tomato is the Husky Cherry that was on the plant when I bought it. The rest are new and look good.
I don’t know if any will have time to grow and turn red, especially the Manitoba, but the good news is that the plants are thriving, i.e. I haven’t killed them yet!!
Happy Friday to all from Emmett and me!