Archive for ‘July 12th, 2021’

Another post on perspective

Somewhere in the vicinity of 21-23 years ago, living in Whitefish, MT … newly single and involved in a local church and reaching out to someone in a kind of mentoring capacity …

One evening, I was on my way to a local eatery to pick up a pizza and a bottle of red. So, a “supper” that was maybe $22-25.

On the way, I stopped to see the person I was helping … mostly with her computer. We dealt with the computer and then she showed me a local sales flyer for art supplies. She was very excited because something she wanted to do her art was on sale … for $6.00. She thought she would be able to come up with the $6.00 while the sale was still in progress.

Holy Cow.

I can only say that I have never forgotten how that affected me. I was on my way to glibly pay 4x as much for a single meal … spur of the moment, i.e. I had a craving for a specific pizza and a specific bottle of wine to go with.


I know! We all have our personal budgets and regimes, etc. etc. I sometimes see home renovations that are huge compared to what I would like to / hope to do on my little spot.

Fast forward to today.

My little “SPOT” is suddenly worth more than I hoped for when I thought I would sell at this point to help fund my retirement.

AND, I have a “spare house” … Wild Thing … the motorhome.

There are many who would LOVE to be in my position of being able to sell my house, clear all debt, bank a goodly sum and take off in a very livable RV.


This afternoon, my internet slowed to a crawl and while waiting for it to recover, I watched a saved youTube



It is 22 years ago all over again.

Not sure where I am going with this except to say … it gives me pause. It makes me think HARD about the decisions in front of me: house, rv, what and where.

And it makes me incredibly grateful that I have the choices that I have as well as some background “guilt” about feeling a little sorry for myself that I cannot “DO.IT.ALL”
