There is a weather phenomenon called a singularity. It is “a characteristic meteorological condition that tends to occur on or near a specific date more frequently than chance would indicate”. Here, in Northwest Montana, we have or did have an August Singularity for August 24-26: a very cool, cold event. Locals and particularly local fire fighters are on the alert for the singularity as it has often given an opportunity to get a leg up on wildfires.
In the 27 years that I have lived in this part of Montana, I have experienced and enjoyed this weather phenomenon many times.
This year … after a 6 day heat wave that was forecast to end on my birthday: August 16, we have experienced a dramatic cool down AND rain!
I look each morning at the forecast to see when we will return to heat and smoke … shuush!!! so far, nothing more than 76F is forecast for the forecast future.
It feels like early Autumn.
As I told a friend, I am enjoying and ignoring the future.
So cool outside, that I brought in two trays of microgreens!
The first non-cherry tomato … Manitoba Tomato … is ripening!
Front Porch gardening: 2 Fuchsia are doing well, kale has been harvested from the rolling planter with remaining herbs and flowers all good, microgreens, impatiens, “rock garden” and other herbs are all flourishing!
Afternoon sun …
Morning mist.
32 days until official Autumn, but we are having respite from summer and a preview of autumn.
I have many, many favorites of all of my pets, but this photo always sticks in my mind. It was an incredibly lucky capture of Auggie and Emmett … in sync.
I am writing this as I approach the end of my 66th trip around the sun … actual birthday being tomorrow, August 16. As it (tomorrow birthday) is a work day and I have had several weeks with various work interruptions, I decided to take this weekend for getting my birthday kicks!
The weather is not exactly cooperating, but it is as forecast: hot and VERY smoky. The good news is that is due to change Monday into Tuesday and then … AND THEN!! we are forecast to be cooler than normal for the forecast future and hopefully more rain and less smoke. NOAA claims the weather models are in good agreement for the cool … the rain is still literally up in the air.
So. A mostly inside weekend. Seriously, the smoke is so thick that it makes me feel a bit ill to be outside so I doubt it is good for Emmett either. We do a lot of very short outings for a little walk and a little play in the hose. Thankfully, it has been cooling overnight which is an improvement over the last heat events.
I had planned on going to a kitten adoption event on Saturday (yesterday) … same rescue organization where I found Auggie … but for the 2nd time (they do these once a month), I backed out. Auggie’s loss was brutal and although I miss having a cat as well as missing Auggie … I am finding it very difficult. I thought, ok … a birthday cat or kitten, but when it came down to it, I just could not.
So, I baked and made cherry preserves (from local cherries … thank you @MontanaMilkMoovers!) …
Dough for sourdough BapsMacerating cherries … to make cherry preserves!The Baps and the Cherry Preserves
And, harvested more of the “Husky” cherry tomatoes and some peppers. The pepper plants look good, but they have not made new peppers. The existing bell peppers turned/are turning red per their variety. The jalapeno are turning red also which is supposed to make them sweeter, but OMG – they are all hot, compared to grocery store jalapeno! But it is a good hot … at least to me. I am thrilled that the tomato plants have lots of tomatoes and both cherry tomato plants have green/turning red at a great rate for my personal consumption.
Elsewhere in the front porch garden, one of the fuchsia pegged out. It is the one that had the mix of colors and was the latest purchase. They were all doing well and I fed/watered all the same, so I don’t know why that one was not happy. And it was very sudden as in all of a sudden it looked terrible. I pulled out dead parts hoping that would give the remaining bits energy to recover, but this morning, I put it out of its misery :(
The autumnal fuchsia DID blossom!! and below a bit of an impatiens variety on the left and Thai basil on the right
Everything else, is beautiful at the moment and depending on how weather looks next weekend, I might do some perennial buying … I am thinking lavender for one thing and need to do a bit of research and/or ask advice at the nursery.
Regarding advice … so with the resolution of my financial situation re the house … at the close of that, I asked the person helping me if the bank had any financial planning service. They did and I made contact and I could absolutely kick myself (VERY HARD!) for not doing this sooner. I thought I knew things, but I did not. At any rate, I am so pleased with some additional options that are in the works.
Other advice kind of things. Some little time ago, I happened on a YouTube channel: Bob & Brad – YouTube. Bob and Brad are physical therapists. They post daily videos as well as other social media … I have only looked at their YouTube. Physical Therapists are experts in body mechanics and over the years have been very helpful to me when I’ve had various issues … the most recent was late 2019-early 2020 with my shoulder. I’m not sure how Bob and Brad’s YouTube came to my attention, but I have used a number of their techniques to great success. Plus, they are fun and funny as well as informative and helpful. A lot of their videos are geared to “Seniors” and in addition to problem solving, they also post “problem prevention” videos like:
I do not watch every single video, but I pay attention and watch ALL of the preventative.
My other recent YouTube find is Earth & Owl – YouTube . This is a channel devoted to rebounding (mini-trampoline) workouts. I have a mini-trampoline and do my bouncy-bouncy nearly every day. I recently added a “bar” for confidence. Nikki has a plethora of video workouts from 5 in 5 minutes to 15 minutes and longer. From beginner to advanced. AND, a number of the videos feature her grandmother bouncing along with doing modified beginner/low impact versions.
I am still somewhat beginner but I go back and forth between Nikki’s and Grandma’s versions as I am comfortable. If you have never “bounced” and think it is too easy to just bounce … HA … so not! One of the best benefits per science is the aid to lymphatic circulation. Great research by NASA as well as by many of the well respected medical organizations. Increasing lymphatic circulation boosts the body’s immune functions including fighting things like cancer. And this benefit is even if you nothing more than the “health bounce” which is just lifting your heels!!
The mini-trampoline set up is not expensive ($500 will get a great trampoline and bar), you don’t need a lot of space and it is fun!
As I enter my 67th year, I am determined to do what I can to make sure that I can do the things I love as long as possible. That includes learning new things, eating well, sleeping well, moving my body, loving my daily life and last, but certainly not least … teaching and playing and loving Emmett.
I got up this morning (Sunday, 8/8) at 4:00 a.m., to watch the start of the Rolex Fastnet Race.
Fastnet Rock is the most southerly point of Ireland. The lighthouse on Fastnet Rock is now unmanned and operates automatically. The history is fascinating … any interested may search. A tidbit, though … the first lighthouse was built on the rock in 1853!
Fastnet Rock is a “mark” in several sailing races. But the most well-known race is the Fastnet Race, currently the Rolex Fastnet Race:
Fastnet Rock is used as the midpoint of one of the world’s classic offshore yachting races, the Fastnet Race, a 1,126-kilometre (700 mi) round trip from Cowes on the Isle of Wight, around the rock and back to Plymouth. It is also sometimes used as a mark for yacht races from local sailing centres such as Schull, Baltimore, and Crookhaven.
From Wikipedia
The 2021 race as well as the 2023 race (the race is a bi-annual event) finishes in Cherbourg, France vs Plymouth.
My personal interest in the race stems from following the Vendee Globe which started 11/8/2020. I have become enamored of the IMOCA 60 boats AND the skippers, teams, all things IMOCA! It is an open class, meaning there are rules for certain things, but otherwise there can be customization in the design. So … each boat might have certain features designed to make it go fastest in certain conditions … adhering to the IMOCA open class rules. For me … this is the perfect juxtaposition of similar along with innovative.
Based on my experience watching the 2020 Vendee Globe: around the world, single handed with NO assistance … and the results being spread amongst new/older/foiling/non-foiling boats with various “options” … it is somewhat “luck of the draw” re weather, but also the skipper’s knowledge of their own boat and the skipper’s decisions re weather. My take is that the IMOCA 60 class allows for both experimentation in design as well as sailing expertise. I am hooked!!
Hence, I was up at 4:00 a.m. to watch the start:
It did NOT disappoint!
Even if you do not sail, I encourage watching the first 4 minutes of the video. Some history, some spectacular video … it is worth a look!
And in addition to the IMOCA 60 class, I am keeping an eye on IRC3 and specifically Dee Caffari, skpper of Gentoo. Dee Caffari is most known for the first woman to circumnavigate the globe BOTH ways :). She was a commentator during the Vendee Globe … a favorite commentator of mine and I have followed her subsequent racing and she has a nice dog :) !
The first finishers … probably the multihulls, might be late Monday UTC/early Tuesday my time. The weather forecast is challenging.
The IMOCA 60’s are sailing double-handed, BUT with an on board reporter (OBR). So, there should be video and still documentation of their progress and experience.
Meanwhile, here in NW Montana … far from any ocean … we are enjoying a cool break which includes some wonderful rain!!
Again, I moved everything off the front porch and out into the yard to allow all to have some REAL rain!
AND, I picked 5 more of the Husky Cherry tomatoes .. YUM!!
In anticipation of a cool Sunday, I started a seedy spelt sourdough loaf and a batch of sourdough cinnamon rolls. Both started Saturday evening and baked this morning.
A very early start to Sunday, but much accomplished as well as much fun to watch the race … what a great week end!!