Suddenly September
Yes, I know … September follows my birthday in just two weeks, but the suddenly … it was hot and dry and kind of miserable up until the day after my birthday … and then…

It cleared (smoke) and cooled (by 20F degrees) and suddenly felt very Autumn-like.
I was afraid to believe!

But, it has stayed cool-warmish, i.e. NOT hot and mostly not smoky.

Every morning, I look at the weather expecting some return to heat and smoke …

So far, we seem to be firmly entrenched in normal: low to mid-70’s F daytime and lovely cool nights (40F).
And suddenly, it is September 1 with Labor Day weekend approaching!

The weekend is forecast to be warm-slightly hot at 80F for Friday-Saturday-Sunday! There is some chance of return of smoke…
No problem here.
Emmett and I will be home, enjoying the woods and the yard and the hose …

I have some indoor video projects to keep me busy!

And we will take naps :)

Suddenly September and lovely weather and much to enjoy at home.