October 2021
Holy Cow … October!! It seems to me that just a moment ago, we were entering 2021 and here we are October … pre Holiday season and early Autumn.
This is my favorite time of year … cool, crisp, sunny days alternating with cooler, darker, rainy days … before the snow flies (hopefully!! ***)
It is also Friday and I got myself up early to do some cooking and baking:

Friday morning bagels! I started the dough yesterday afternoon, in the frig overnight and out this morning to shape, boil and bake. I enjoy the routine very much, especially now that mornings are dark and I work with lovely low light …

Meanwhile, I roasted Anaheim peppers and chopped Jalapenos for pickled Jalapenos. Another favorite cooking thing and the aroma of roasting peppers is wonderful.

Everything Bagels :)

And Bolillo, a Mexican crusty roll.

After the roasted chiles cooled, I chopped them up and froze portions. I used to buy the canned chiles, but they tend to have a “can” taste and I discovered that the chopped roasted chiles taste MUCH better.
Other morning projects included assembly of a new rack for a closet …

A weekend project will be some reorganization of my pantry cupboards. I am keeping more backup supplies and the system has come a bit disorganized … hence the new rack and a new plan … I like things organized!!
And another weekend project…

After my “not so great” Moose photos, I did some looking into a pocket sized camera with better zoom than my phone … but THEN … I found this kit which is a phone attachable lens kit: zoom, wide, macro … for FAR less $$$ than even a low end pocket camera.
This weekend I hope to play with this kit and see what it (and I and my iPhone) can do! BIG.FUN and my favorite kind of weekend project.

Emmett in a sunlit spot of the woods. We are having good times outside: walks, play, games … all so enjoyable in these beautiful Autumn conditions.
October 2021 … all is good!
***About the snow flying … there are many of us who have lived her for years and are recently impacted by many who think that they want to live here. It is good news/bad news. Good news [for me] was incredible increase in property value which allowed me to do some financial reorganization to my benefit – YEA! Bad news … the traffic has been horrendous, the good news for me re home/property value has also served to price locals out of the market :( . There are other impacts from the Montana wannabees and so there are some of us who hope for a VERY snowy, VERY cold winter that the wannabees might reconsider. It is bit of a catch-22 … see prop values, etc. The ramifications of one or the other are … well good news/bad news. Me … I would LOVE a real Winter because I love snow and cold and that a good Winter means reduced insects in Summer and I like to snowshoe … It will be what it will be :)
2 Responses to “October 2021”
I hope you and Emmett are still sleeping well on your new mattress. Everything looks great there so have a good October!
Happy October to you, also!
The new mattress continues to be wonderful. I don’t think I have had one that felt so good right away! I am waking up with no shoulder/hip/back/knee pain – YEA!
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