About those plans
Oscar has gained almost 2 pounds since he came home … he is up to almost 4 pounds :)
He has gone from hissing if Emmett just looked at him to playing hide and seek and toy keep away.
Oscar has the run of the house day and night and is constantly exploring spots to climb and hide.
Thankfully, he is so far, sleeping all night, i.e. no middle of the night kitten crazies. He has chosen to sleep on top of one of the big pillows that I use in lieu of a headboard.
Meanwhile, last Wednesday, a new cat tree arrived: assembly required. I planned to put it together Thanksgiving day. I also planned to do a bit of work Thanksgiving day to make up for the previous Thursday and Friday that I did not get much work done between getting Oscar and helping us all get situated.
I put the cat tree together yesterday, Saturday … “best laid plans”, etc., etc.
But it went well!

The carpeted board on the chair and those 3 bags on the floor are all of the parts.

Naturally, I had plenty of help …

Bits and pieces…

Fortunately, everything had a number or letter label – YEA!!

I started at 9:15 a.m.

About 1/3 done and I took a break …

Oscar started having fun even before the tree was assembled.

Back to work … another level and then I assembled the “condo”. Oscar is lying on the cover for the condo … and went to sleep … AND the sun came out, so Emmett and I went for a walk.

Blue sky, fresh air … it was wonderful to stretch my legs and putter about in the woods for a bit. We had an extra long outing to give Oscar plenty of time for a long nap … and for me to procrastinate!

Assembly complete. PLUS, I took apart the giant dog crate that Oscar was no longer using … the office is back to mostly office except for the tree and a lot of new cat toys…

I am sharing my mini-trampoline with the cat cave and a feather toy … so far, the cat tree is a bit lonely …

And a boot box is the preferred play spot.
4 Responses to “About those plans”
Ha! I would have guessed a bag?.
The cat fun center looks great!
I did put out a paper bag and also a reusable grocery bag that makes a crinkle sound … not much interest, but maybe it was too soon. I will try again when I need some new distraction!
That is typical cat…we have bought our cats loads of toys but they always choose a drinking straw or a bit of rolled up paper to play with. But that cat tree is magnificent – I’m sure Oscar won’t be able to resist it for long!
I’m not sure about the cat tree… he has been to the first level, but there actually is not a great way to go further. Most trees have the platforms staggered. I wasn’t paying attention when I ordered this one and some reviewers (I didn’t look deep enough before ordering!) say the same. I might get the same one I had for Auggie and donate this one to a shelter I know that has a large cat room with lots of trees so cats can go from one to another.
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