Two weeks until Christmas Eve!!
l love Christmas Eve day almost more than Christmas Day … it is the anticipation. And even though I no longer do gifts, it is still a lovely, lovely day of remembering the joys of childhood Christmases.
But today, end of the work week … but probably a working weekend so that I CAN enjoy Christmas time … this Friday, two weeks before Christmas Eve day, started with beautiful sunshine…

Above is a just before sunrise walk on my property … below is the start of a long walk on the state land. We have not walked on the state land since late Spring … first it was high vegetation and spring bears and then hunting season this fall, but now … it is our season to be out there!

Today, Friday, is actually our 2nd walk out there and we added a loop to our first walk. I am the weak link having not done longer walks over hill and dale since late Spring,


Almost home.

A good outing! As recorded, .66 miles, 24.51 minutes of activity, heart rate at the finish = 112 , speed 1.9 … hope to improve THAT!

A stick … always bring home a stick.

It is a good thing that we made the most of the morning sunshine. By afternoon, when Emmett and I walked down the driveway to collect the mail … back to gray skies.

Time for a fire …

And naps all around!
The herbs … the herb grow lights are working well … hard to see, but all of the herbs are currently thriving – YEA!
Happy, Happy Friday this two weeks before Christmas Eve.