Oscar’s First Christmas
Ha … I don’t know that Oscar or Emmett had any idea that it was a holiday other than if they picked up on my excitement.
But, Christmas is special to me and I have little things that I do to make Christmas Eve and Christmas Day fun, memorable and meaningful to me.
No presents. A lot of great food! Beautiful Christmas music!
What was special about Oscar’s First Christmas is that in 5 weeks with Emmett and me, how well he has adapted and how well he and Emmett are getting along. They play: chase and hide and seek, wrestle … kind of a footsie wrestle and generally have a great time. It is about equal who starts the games! I so hoped that they would play like this. It is great for both of them physically and mentally. The games exercise their brains and their bodies. I felt this was missing when it was just Emmett and me.
I love having a dog and a cat. The relationships with me are unique and special.
So this Christmas, Oscar’s First Christmas, was special in its celebration of our new family of three.

I always hope to be able to snowshoe on Christmas Day … it looked like it might happen and I was prepared!

Christmas Eve Day was a bit ugly snow-wise, but it seemed to be getting colder and there were occasional flurries, so I had high hopes.

Afternoon nap above and then it was Christmas Eve with a cozy fire …

And all settled down.
I had a supper treat of homemade shrimp egg rolls … first time making them. They were wonderful and just perfect to eat in the quiet house with outside lights on so I could see if it started snowing.

After an early evening nap, Emmett and I took a moonlight walk at midnight … no new snow and it was still 30F.

Before nighttime walks, I always think I don’t want to go out, but after I get all the stuff on and get outside in the fresh air, I love it and last night we took an extra loop to stay out a bit longer.
It is especially nice when there is at least a little snow and moonlight.

Christmas morning belly rub for Emmett … play time for Oscar. It was a lucky “over the head” shot to get them both. Christmas Eve Day, I gave it a go for a posed photo, but had no luck getting all of us, so this has to do :)

No new snow, but a beautiful morning …

After walk treats!

My treat: Christmas breakfast … extra bacon!! Emmett and Oscar near and Christmas music streaming.

Still no new snow, but Emmett and I had a nice long walk on the state land … in sunshine!

Christmas afternoon nap time … on the office computer streaming music is playing with a fire visual :)
Oscar’s first Christmas was wonderful!