Christmas snow: a day late!

Finally!! Mid-morning, it started snowing. Actually, it was more of a graupel, but it changed to fine snow and finally to big, thick flakes.

And then it cleared and got colder and colder.
As I write this, 6:30 p.m., it is 11F (-11C). It is supposed to be below 0F overnight.

We will be sticking close together !!
***Oscar is getting a drink of water while Emmett has his supper. Oscar has been a good water drinker as well as eating a combination of wet and dry food, i.e. he is well hydrated which is great! It is a concern with cats and especially male cats. I don’t know … maybe it is the water at this house, but Bob and Auggie were good water drinkers also. And Mr. Emmett – he has never been a “resource guarder”. At the breeders, the pups all had to sit before a food trough was put down and it never looked like they fought over a spot. I continued the “sit” and the food bowl, treats and toys have always been shared well. Good thing, as Oscar often sticks his head over Emmett’s food … just to see what’s there I think – he has never tried to eat any of it. And last night, Emmett had one of his favorite filled bones at bedtime … he had no issue with Oscar taking a sniff. Funny, because Emmett hides the bones during the day ????