Procrastination woes
Last winter, I should have changed the oil in my snow thrower.
I did not.
I only used the thrower once (THANKFULLY for the health of the thrower!)
And then…
No thrower maintenance.
No, I waited until a COLD day in January (13F) with a Winter Storm on the way (7-11 inches of snow forecast) … to change the oil in the thrower.
I can be an idiot!!!

Despite notes from previous oil changes …

Although I did put a large garbage bag underneath to catch mess and I did have several large pans…
what I really needed was:

For next time.
BUT, I did get the oil changed and also did a clean up of walk and turn around mid-storm.

We are keeping an eye on the weather …
The storm warning is in effect until 11:00 a.m. tomorrow – Friday.
Meanwhile, we are warm and safe and no need to go anywhere – YEA!