Procrastination woes
Last winter, I should have changed the oil in my snow thrower.
I did not.
I only used the thrower once (THANKFULLY for the health of the thrower!)
And then…
No thrower maintenance.
No, I waited until a COLD day in January (13F) with a Winter Storm on the way (7-11 inches of snow forecast) … to change the oil in the thrower.
I can be an idiot!!!

Despite notes from previous oil changes …

Although I did put a large garbage bag underneath to catch mess and I did have several large pans…
what I really needed was:

For next time.
BUT, I did get the oil changed and also did a clean up of walk and turn around mid-storm.

We are keeping an eye on the weather …
The storm warning is in effect until 11:00 a.m. tomorrow – Friday.
Meanwhile, we are warm and safe and no need to go anywhere – YEA!
2 Responses to “Procrastination woes”
Lots of snow! We’re supposed to get some on Monday, the day the schools re-open. But let’s see if it really happens…
As of right now (7:20 a.m. Friday), we have maybe 7-8 inches of light snow … easy to clear and I’m going out to do some clearing shortly as there is forecast to be an overrunning warm front changing the snow to freezing rain! That will make a mess if it happens. It is too bad as right now, perfect amount of nice snow :(
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