Lovely Light: Outside
We had a rainy-warmish week and then it got very cold … forecast for cold and wind and 1-3 inches of snow.
Cold and wind, but just a skiff of snow.
It is warming up and the light outside, late afternoon is lovely. Maybe because there is no snow and it looks more like late Autumn than almost Spring…

Emmett and I are taking at least 3 long walks on the state land every day! The footing is good, the bears are still abed, and it is wonderful to be out there. We should have another 6 – 8 weeks before bears are around and too high vegetation to see them, keeps us closer to home so we are making the most of this time.

This Friday evening … a cloudy afternoon as we transition from cold to a forecast high of 49F tomorrow – YIKES … heat wave!
But tonight…

A little snow!
It is supposed to warm overnight and change to rain, but we had a dark o’clock walk in flurries.
Lovely light: outside.