Oscar: Post Op
Oscar had his snip-snip operation (neuter) today.
We are home (2:30 p.m.) and all is well.
I broke my wine fast :(
I think Emmett would have also.
I believe Emmett and I had more anxiety than Oscar!!
Per the paperwork sent home with me, Oscar might be lethargic for the next 48-72 hours … FAT CHANCE!!!

The carrier that he will normally have nothing to do with is suddenly a great toy: rug, zippers, handles … what fun!

I moved his bed into the office. This bed was his itty-bitty kitten bed in the crate, but it now resides in the bedroom closet. I keep the closet door open and typically, he will have a bit of a snuggle with Emmett and me, then play on his own and then sleep in the closet in his bed until 4:00 a.m. You can set time by Oscar. At 4:00 a.m. he gets into bed with us and snuggles down between us until we get up. Anyway, he found it … in and out and ….

Drink of water. Oscar has been a good drinker of water from the start! I am so happy about this as it is often a concern with cats, especially male cats, getting enough “water” or equivalent.

A towel on the floor became a “kill” and a toy. Oscar dragged it around … Yep, very lethargic.

Operation ??? What operation … I feel great!!
***He is on “pain killers” and I have 4 days doses so we will see :)