We sprang forward
I am not sure that I ever did “Fall backward”. As a 1 human household, I eat when I’m hungry, sleep when I’m tired and the clock is only relevant for being on time for appointments and meetings.
AND, to my personal delight … the U.S. Senate passed a bill for staying on Daylight Saving Time permanently!!! If the House approves, it is to take effect in 2023 so I am guessing that means 1 more Fall back and Spring forward and that is that. YEA!
Meanwhile, clocks reset.
Emmett and Oscar’s inner clocks are a different issue. They are both set in our daily routine and remind me if I should forget.
Emmett speaks to me in a long groany-whiny-OMG sentence if I am late for a walk.
Oscar’s internal clock is funny. When I first put away his “kitty crate” that had his cave bed and toys, I put the cave bed in my bedroom closet.

It is on top of a stack of soft storage items with some older comforters and sheets. It is high enough to satisfy kitty height requirements … high is safer! I showed him the bed and opened the closet doors. I wasn’t sure what he might decide about sleeping.
After some experimenting, he ultimately decided on sleeping in the cat cave. He comes on the bed with Emmett and me until “lights out” and then sometimes plays in the living room and THEN … into the cave. At 4:32 a.m., nearly always, he leaves the cat cave, walks up my body … has a bit of a head bump snuggle and then finds a spot between Emmett and me. He sleeps quietly until I get up.
I don’t know … did Emmett and he have a discussion? Emmett is into routine also as he brings a toy or bone to bed and occupies himself at the foot of the bed until lights out. Then he curls against my back with his head on a pillow next to me. He sometimes gets down and sleeps for a bit against a cool wall, but by morning, he is back in “his” spot.
Whatever, I am the most restless of the three of us and am grateful that they are both such good sleepers … so far.
Oscar will be 6 months old 3/22. So far, he is interested in what goes on outside, but runs from open doors. Yea! And I hope that continues, although I had planned on getting a harness and having him out with Emmett and me on the front porch. We will see. And as far as night activities, as far as I know there have been no house mice since Oscar has been part of the family. If/when that changes … ???

The windowsills in the office and the bedroom are wide providing great seats for “kitty-tv”.

Emmett is loving the clear view from the new windows in the boy’s room! I am loving the light in that room and the gorgeous frames. I remain VERY happy with the new windows!
Most of the snow is gone and we have had a warm, windy day as another “atmospheric river” passed just to the south. Zero complaints! I hate to complain about getting moisture, but currently the ground is very wet and even muddy in spots. Typically, the ground on my property absorbs moisture very fast, but the combination of cold/very cold and the amount of rain has meant more standing water than usual, i.e. some mud. That also means a higher risk of tree fall over with the wind from this/these fronts.
After a quick errand run to Bigfork (7 miles vs 22 miles to Kalispell), I despaired at the state of my driveway which badly needs a refresh of gravel/pitrun … something! One more thing!
But … some scenes from the return … on the road home:

The wide view toward home (east looking).

To the west.

Wide view to the west.

Closer view to the East … the road home!

I wish I could convince them to smile!!! They look like they are being punished when I point the camera toward them :(
Anyway, we sprang forward and are all happy and well and enjoying almost Spring in our little house in the woods!
***I continue to pray for Ukraine, for Russia and for the whole world. I “listen” via my news feeds while also living my life the best I can. So much uncertainty, but mostly my heart breaks for all who suffer from this needless war!
3 Responses to “We sprang forward”
The European Union has been talking about abolishing daylight saving for years but nothing ever happens. I really wish we could stay in daylight saving time forever, too!
Your scenery looks like ours. Lots of snow on the mountains. It’s very cold for March – below zero every night. And we are running out of heating oil in a few days so I hope it warms up soon. The price for 1,000 litres, which lasts about two months is now €1,680 and rising daily. That is almost three times our monthly income. Petrol for the car is now well over €2 a litre and also rising. And because of these prices everything else is going up – electricity, food…
Thanks for the great photos -seeing the beautiful scenery and the boys always cheers me up!
I was surprised about the Senate bill as it has been talked about for years with no action here, also. I hope the bill is not loaded with other stuff that causes it to stall in the House … awful thing they do is put obscure stuff in with the primary reason for a bill. It often backfires because apparently some senators/representatives do actually read the bills :)
I hope, hope, hope you get a warmup! I did the Euro to $$ conversion and that is astounding. It is more than twice what I pay for an entire Winter’s electricity which includes my heat (minus anything I save from woodstove). Gas for the car is 4.50-$5/gallon. I have read that it might go down a bit ???
Heating oil has been very expensive for a few years but this is extreme. Our buildings are also not very well insulated and the doors and windows in our building although double glazed are very poorly made. Luckily spring is coming! But last night and today we have gale force winds so the temperature tonight will be -2°C but feels like -7C. And the wind is predicted to go on for quite a few days. I really don’t like strong wind…
By the way, our last electricity bill was €254 , which is for two months. And we don’t use electricity for heating or hot water. It was actually a lot higher, but the government gave a us a subsidy. Many people here live on €300 to €400 a month so I don’t know how they survive!
Side note: funny how the day the war in Ukraine started, the prices went up. Don’t they have stocks??? Of course they do – someone is always making a lot of money out of misery.
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