So happy it is over!
It is a good thing.

Emmett had a dental appointment today. It has been scheduled for 2 months and as the calendar rolled to May, I was counting the days until it would be over.
I really dislike the early drop off … the waiting, the worry over how he is doing.
I LOVE my vet, and the vet techs and the place which is just over 10 minutes away … still…

But, thankfully all went well. It is over and Emmett is sleeping off the anesthetic.

Oscar really missed Emmett! He seemed baffled that I came home this morning without Emmett.
Oscar was very snuggly all day … he went outside for a little bit, but came right back in … not the same without his buddy!
Meanwhile … in the above, Oscar’s collar has a GPS tracking device…
The fambly Summers switched GPS collars! Tractive (see link at end of this post for Tractive website) utilizes 4gLTE (vs 3g in my previous collar). Tractive focuses on tracking and activity. My previous collar went down the health path of licking, scratching, etc. … important, but since I am with Emmett and Oscar nearly 24/7, my need is more to know where they are … tracking. And I do like keeping on top of our activity levels as we all work to maintain fitness and healthy weight.

From the Tractive website, a photo of the dog tracker which is larger than the cat tracker.
Info on my phone…

I can choose Emmett or Oscar’s tracker and see where they are. If we are out walking, out of the “zone”, I can activate LIVE and see where one of them is in relation to me.
Both trackers are working very well! They track faster than my previous device and give me the information I want. The phone app has links to tutorials on all of the features as well as a great help section. I am very happy!
Oscar’s tracker is light enough to fit his little collar. He is not fussed about it at all. Currently, he is Mr. Home Boy and I hope he stays that way. He explores and hunts (no kills yet!) in the woodpile by the garage, the brush around the house and a little down towards my back door neighbor. So far, he has not gone beyond the “safe” zone that I defined in the app.
Tuesday evening. I had a very good Monday and Tuesday work days meeting some work deadlines. I am SO VERY HAPPY to have Emmett home after his dental and on we go.
Holy Cow – the weather!! Well, typical Montana … back and forth Spring and almost Winter.
From NOAA:
