So happy … mostly :)
I am so happy that the weather and calendar have turned the corner to Autumn!
This is my favorite time of year: lovely temperatures, lovely light and hopefully some rain this week … it is scary dry in my woods!
But …

Wild Thing!!
She is in the prep area.
I am cleaning up, checking all systems and hopefully a road trip is in our near future.

A slight “fly in the ointment” … I opened the water heater compartment, preparing to get it ready for loading water and found several disturbing things. Rust was the least of it …
I didn’t take a photo (I DID take video :) ) … a mouse nest sans mousies thankfully and a lot of mouse poop.
The mouse leavings are removed and cleaned up. The rust elimination process is in progress.

One thing at a time.
If there are no setbacks as to road worthiness and livability and/or work projects … I hope to take off next Sat-Sun-Monday. Weather is also on the list.
Destination is not very distant … 270 ish miles to Anaconda, Montana vicinity. It will be a combination “Wild Thing” shakedown and look at that area plus thinking about RV downsizing and house moving and … what do I think after nearly 7 years without venturing out and about?
I have zero expectations.
I will see what I can see and think on all things.
So Happy!! Excited to change things up a bit.
*** Right. So, neither Emmett nor Oscar have been rving … :)