So happy … mostly :)
I am so happy that the weather and calendar have turned the corner to Autumn!
This is my favorite time of year: lovely temperatures, lovely light and hopefully some rain this week … it is scary dry in my woods!
But …

Wild Thing!!
She is in the prep area.
I am cleaning up, checking all systems and hopefully a road trip is in our near future.

A slight “fly in the ointment” … I opened the water heater compartment, preparing to get it ready for loading water and found several disturbing things. Rust was the least of it …
I didn’t take a photo (I DID take video :) ) … a mouse nest sans mousies thankfully and a lot of mouse poop.
The mouse leavings are removed and cleaned up. The rust elimination process is in progress.

One thing at a time.
If there are no setbacks as to road worthiness and livability and/or work projects … I hope to take off next Sat-Sun-Monday. Weather is also on the list.
Destination is not very distant … 270 ish miles to Anaconda, Montana vicinity. It will be a combination “Wild Thing” shakedown and look at that area plus thinking about RV downsizing and house moving and … what do I think after nearly 7 years without venturing out and about?
I have zero expectations.
I will see what I can see and think on all things.
So Happy!! Excited to change things up a bit.
*** Right. So, neither Emmett nor Oscar have been rving … :)
4 Responses to “So happy … mostly :)”
How exciting! Many things to look forward to and wonder how the boys will take to the rv. Hope to find out…
In between cleaning and prepping, I am coaxing Emmett to go inside. Emmett has never done stairs or steps. My little house is built flat on the ground … there is barely a 1/2 inch “lip” from the front walk to the front porch. It is a great house to get old in but I wish I had done some step training with Emmett. He jumps in the back of the Jeep, so it is just getting him to learn the steps.
He’s a smart dog! I’m sure he’ll figure it out.
We have had several short (5-7 minute) sessions with his favorite ham bits as motivation. He has gone from not wanting to go near the steps to putting his front paws on first the bottom step and 2nd session he put them on the second. Now to get his back paws up – that will do the trick probably but we’ll take it slow.
I had some difficulty getting an appointment for a service (lube – oil – filter, transmission and tire checks) so departure will not be next weekend. But after 7 years sitting except for “exercise” drives, I want to get everything checked.
When I get Emmett able to go in and out, maybe we will just do some short drives to the local state park (7 miles) … fun stuff – while we wait for the service.
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