Thanksgiving Day 2022

YIKES … kind of redish sunrise but then…

And ultimately the day turned sunny!

We all got outside – YEA!!
I am not cooking a big, traditional dinner today … maybe on Saturday :)
So, today was a day to enjoy the sunshine and relax and be incredibly thankful for:
Emmett and Oscar and me all in good health,
Work and fun stuff and a wonderful home and property to enjoy all,
Holy Cow!! I am beyond thankful for all :)

While it was sunny and not too cold (33F), I replenished firewood close at hand … it is supposed to get very cold and more snow Fri-Sat-Sun ???

Meanwhile, though … sun (this is 11:30 a.m. and at 48 North, the sun is making a low pass vs Summer’s high overhead arc). Still … SUN!

Throw WUBBA!!

It was a lovely time outside.
Turkey dinner will be had on Saturday.
Today is an Italian Garlic Pepper (black pepper) beef stew and some prep for Saturday: cranberry sauce, brioche for a leek bread pudding …
As in past years I have devolved into a lazy-relaxed long weekend with the “traditional” dinner being when convenient and otherwise enjoying time without work constraints.
***to note … if you follow my Instagram … early November after a very warm October, we got 8 inches of very wet and heavy snow. That resulted in a significant amount of damage to trees in my woods … mostly the young Western Larch. It means a hefty and expensive cleanup this Spring … no use doing much now as the trees were very stressed and more are likely to break/come down between now and late Spring.
So … I am in “frugal mode” so as to be able to pay for the cleanup (heavy equipment, hauling away, etc., etc.) That translates into no RV trip … probably. I will see how things go. I have some local folks scheduled to give me advice on cleanup.
BUT!! When I think about Florida post Ian and other disasters. All in all, I have it easy. My home is intact and my work is good, my health and pets health is good. Tally ho!!!
4 Responses to “Thanksgiving Day 2022”
Glad you’re having a relaxing weekend. Nice and warm here today with rain on the way. My daughter cooked and everything was so good. Had older granddaughter and family in from Arkansas and local granddaughter and family here, too. Two granddaughters and their great husbands, four great granddaughters and one great grandson…what a group! Older granddaughter has the two little girls, one little boy and another baby on the way in March…she stays busy for sure!
I am so fortunate to have time with them all together. Loved all the joyful noise and now time to enjoy the silence of just me and Gina. Hope you and the boys continue a great holiday season.
Gina says hi to the boys!
Happy Thanksgiving, Sue – good to hear you got to spend time with all the family!
Thanksgiving is such an American experience and I almost envy you having a nice warm celebration at this time of year. For us it’s the long, cold slog to Christmas and then the coldest weather in January and February. Today it’s sunny and 5°C but we’ve had a lot of rain. There was quite a bit of snow in the mountains on Wednesday morning but it’s gone. We’ll have to turn the heating on soon as it’s 12°C inside now. We do have a small electric heater for one room but we’re a bit reluctant to turn it on because of the cost of the electricity. I shouldn’t complain when I compare our conditions to those of the Ukrainians who are without water and electricity a lot of the time – and it’s colder there!
Lovely to see you and the boys and the beautiful trees. And that Double mocha Latte looks awesome.
Thanksgiving has always been a holiday that I look forward to … gateway to Christmas … at least it used to be. Now, good, bad or otherwise things start ramping up, mostly for Black Friday shopping which has spilled over to the rest of the world (! ) in early November.
***I stayed off Amazon so far :)
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