What can we do?

First … I deleted my Facebook and Instagram accounts and will be posting here and on YouTube.

I also cancelled Amazon Prime and Kindle Unlimited. I have not deleted my Amazon Account. I hope to not buy from Amazon but the database of what and when I have purchased items is there and it can be helpful.

Generally, I plan to buy only necessities and at this point in time there is really not much I need to buy other than food and house supplies.

I know that there are some subscribers of my blog that are not in the U.S. … WHAT a mess! I fully support boycotting American products. I hope that within my lifetime we (U.S.) can turn things around and be forgiven.

I believe one of the things that we can do is use our $$ or lack of $$.

There is a sad but true meme: 0-1939 in 3 seconds referring to Tesla and Elon Musk.

I think that we (U.S.) may need to channel our 1939 (WWII) “rationing” mindset: make do and mend, reuse and repair, grow our own vegetables. I wish we weren’t in this position and that we hadn’t destroyed the trust of the world, but maybe a bit of frugality will be good for us.

I don’t intend this blog to be super political but there is part of me that feels if I do not do something, speak out, take some action … I am by inactivity complicit in the horror of current events.

So, I am living frugally and being as aware as possible where I spend by $$s. I write and email my Senators and Congressman. I spend some time educating myself on the facts of what is happening.

AND, I live my life with the intent of being kind to myself, to my pets, to others … helping others if I can.

I get outside with Emmett and Oscar: walking and playing.

I make art – watercolor and sketching, I work on my photography and videography. I bake and cook.

I make sure to notice the beauty all around me.

One Response to “What can we do?”

  1. Margaret

    I agree with you about voting with your $. The ***** and his cronies have alienated Europe and Canada, New Zealand and many other countries. My friends in Canada are all boycotting US products and stores. We see very few US products here, but there is Amazon, Germany, although we don’t really use it – we have our own Greek version called ??????? (Scrooge). I deleted Instagram ages ago but still have FB at the moment….
    I feel very sad when I think of my American friends and I hope there will be brighter times ahead.


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