
After a dramatic cold front that took temperatures 20 degrees (F) colder with three nights in the 20’s, we bounced back to somewhere in the middle. A change to “wet and cold” is forecast for the weekend. We really need some rain and I am looking forward to having a fire in the woodstove and cozying up inside even if it does mean boots, hat and coat for outside excursions.

But meanwhile, we are all enjoying the sunshine.

Bear’s leg is finally doing better. Not 100% yet, but we doing a bit more off leash and normal.

While he did not chafe or object to the leash, he is also obviously happy to be off!

Beardog in sunshine – beautiful.

A treat is the normal reward for a good walk. All walks are good walks!

Bob joined us in the sunshine.

And I lingered over a second cup of coffee before going in to start my work day.
