
A long work week nearly completed, Karl and I took off mid-afternoon for a walk and a quick grocery stop.

The skies were dark and overcast all day with rain off and on. Although the skies remained dark, we had our walk in a rain off time – yea :) !!

Still, the road home, on a cold, damp afternoon is not only a welcome sight but on this Friday afternoon there was even more anticipation…

This weekend is to be a baking weekend…a holiday baking weekend. Sunday marks the last day of October with Monday the first of November meaning next week starts the holiday season – Thanksgiving (U.S.) and then Christmas!

I am happy, I am excited – I love this time of year and this is the first year, in many years that I’m ready to start my own preparations and celebrations this early. I’m ready to enjoy the entire time with goodies to eat, festive decorations, gifts and gratitude for all this year has been. Let the baking begin!