Ornithology 101

Alrighty then!! I have heard from some readers, done a lot of googling and I believe that both the bird in On Eagle’s Wings and in yesterday’s not a ornithologist are actually immature bald eagles! – yes!!! – Eagles! Nothing against the Osprey who is a gorgeous raptor also, but there is a certain mystique about seeing eagles and the post title and theme: On Eagles Wings – really needed an eagle photo – and I had seen the bird that day! Bald eagles are fairly common here but not where I grew up in northwest Ohio – it always thrills me to see them….

To check for yourself, here is a great link:

From Heidi Rettig (her blog is Two Kitties ) Immature Bald Eagle . Heidi lives on Flathead Lake, within 20 or so miles of me. We just “met” via Pioneer Woman’s blog – and she is also from the midwest – Minnesota…or at least lived there – funny, small world sometimes.

Ok, back to birds….I found an article that talks about how often people mistake immature bald eagles for golden eagles. …AND the kicker is that my mother got out HER bird book and emailed me – immature bald eagle is her call!

My Mama says so – so…

from yesterday’s “not an ornithologist” (photo taken in Wayfarer’s Park 10/28/2008)


from July’s “On Eagle’s Wings” (photo taken June 30, 2008 Wayfarer’s Park)…

Young (immature) bald eagles.