Hot and hazy

My day had a bit of flexibility in it and Bob was starting to run low on his prescription food so Bear and I made a morning run to Calm Veterinary in Kila, MT and had a morning walk on part of the “Rails to Trails” path that runs between Kila and Smith Lake …actually the north end of the Smith Lake Water Fowl preservation area.

Kudos to Bear…2 bicycles passed us just after I took this photo and he stayed where he was with no excitement or barking…on a loose lead. I hadn’t heard them. They are supposed to ring a bell or voice a warning… We’ve not been passed by bicycles on our walks so very pleased with Bear’s behavior.

It was a warm 70F when we walked. Clear overnight skies were giving way to haze as it warmed up.

Clouds were starting to pile up over the mountains…afternoon thunderstorms are forecast.

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