Posts from the ‘Bob’ category

Sunday drive

I’m not big on just driving around and looking at the scenery. Funny, as the scenery around here is pretty spectacular as far as I’m concerned. But for whatever reason, to just take a drive loses its appeal in about 15 minutes and I just want to go home.

But today, I took Bear and headed out for a Sunday drive. Bear gets very excited over ANY animal…cows, horses, other dogs, deer, squirrels – you name it, if it has 4 legs, he wants it. Even in the car when it is cows or horses in a pasture some distance away. I don’t know if he didn’t get out much or it is just everything new and changed or what, but my hope is that if I don’t react and he gets used to seeing this stuff, he’ll NOT react. And I hope this happens while I still have some hearing left…a beardog barking up a storm in a Jeep Wrangler…loud!

So, off we went.

Oh, I did take another tool to try…the electronic collar. I have one that has a paging feature. “Page” is vibration only. I can turn off the “shock” part. I had no intention of using any shock, but thought I’d see if a bit of vibration was distracting enough that he’d quiet and hear me. He did. So sometimes I used the page, sometimes just a firm “Leave it” and by the end of the drive, it was voice only and sometimes even that was not needed. I don’t think one drive is going to do it, but every bit of training and success builds – his confidence in himself and in me as the leader. We had a good time. I talked about the cows and horses and the pretty day. And for the first time, Bear kissed me in the car – in the past, whatever has been out the window has been too exciting. Today, there was a bit of “Isn’t this fun?” between us.

And it WAS a beautiful day for a drive. It has finally turned serious green and it is that vibrant Spring green that speaks of new growth.

A bit hazy again as a new front swirls up from the southeast, but some sun and some blue sky and the mountains have new snow from this latest cold storm.

We arrived home to see Bob on the front porch.

“Did you happen to lose that dog while you were gone?”

“Yea, I thought not.”

***Actually, we had a small breakthrough this morning. Bob’s and Bear’s “visits” have been mostly calm lately. This morning, Bob was on the bathroom counter…higher than Bear…so I took Bear in and it stayed calm and they seemed interested. Bear sniffed Bob’s tail, Bob turned but seemed curious…I gave Bear enough room to touch noses – they did! Bear then backed up, so I turned him and left on a high note. It is only 2 weeks since Bear has been part of the family. I think we are all doing very well :)!

Bob and Bear

No, not together.

Still separate.

But progress is being made. Bear and I “visit” Bob. This hissing is less. The barking is less. Bear is slightly less bouncy.

Bob and Bear….someday :)!


After a week of days that seemed extra dry – humidity-wise as well as precipitation-wise – this morning dawned a bit gray and damp. No rain, but it felt like it could rain.

I joined Bob outside to peruse the grass and grounds.

…and to check on the rhubarb!


Detent is riding the slow boat…

Hopefully, accord will be reached….Soon!

After looking at the rhubarb, I went to check on the lilacs…


What about Bob?

Upon arriving home Sunday, I let Bob out of the motorhome first. He had, after all, ridden in the back by himself and it was his “turn”. He kind of shook himself as he walked to the house, got a drink and went inside. Once he was inside checking out his food bowl, I got Bear out and we went for a very brisk, very exciting walk around the property before going in the back door where I put him in the office/sunroom…which has glass doors.

Bob took a look, looked at me and left.

When I was sure Bear was settled, had food and water, I went back to the motorhome to unload those things that don’t stay…and found Bob…

“Are you going to come in the house, Bob?”

“You’ve got to be kidding!! How long is that dog going to be in there?”

“He lives here???”

“…not good news.”

“Tell me again why we need a dog.”

***So…this might take awhile. My plan is that while I am keeping everyone separate, the separation is glass doors or the kennel so everyone has to deal with seeing and hearing everyone else. And I make sure I get plenty of both of their scents on me and we occasionally switch areas so they must be where the other has been. I hope that eventually this works :)!