A Bloom for May Day
The best I could do…
The best I could do…
Yesterday I write that my inner clock gets me up at 5 a.m. no matter what and this morning it was near 6:00. And it was light out. It was before official sunrise, but dawn had broken! In my defense, Karl threw up in the night and then asked to go out and we had a brief sortie down the driveway and back at 2:30 a.m. Usually, this kind of thing does not keep my inner clock from waking me, but this morning it did. And I would have slept later than 6, except for Bob. He needs his breakfast, you know, else he would waste away…
And that is probably the truth of my inner clock. If I don’t wake before Bob, Bob starts with a head nudge, then a paw tap, then a circumnavigation of my body. He weighs 19 pounds and manages to put all of his weight on one foot at a time as he walks all over me. If all of that doesn’t work he moves to my dresser which doubles as a nightstand and starts pushing stuff over the side.
When I heard him on the dresser this morning, I gave up and got up. My cell phone, the tv remote, a small weather/clock thing – none take kindly to the three foot drop to the hardwood floor.
Bob eats a bit of his morning allotment, goes outside, does what needs to be done and then comes in and goes back to bed.
Who runs this operation, anyway???
Meet “Terk” – officially: Terk HDTVa Indoor Amplified High-Definition Antenna for Off-Air HDTV Reception. I don’t actually have a TV that is HD. But, saw this thing and decided to try it – nothing said it didn’t work with non HD TVs. And, it works! I could get satellite TV at my home but choose not to. The motorhome gets all of the local networks on its antenna. Several rabbit ear as well as higher tech UHF/VHF antennas in the house had very limited success. But Terk…he works and I get all in the house that I do in the motorhome.
Terk was delivered via UPS this afternoon. It was timely. I was a bit under the weather today – feeling better after an afternoon nap, but definitely a low productivity kind of day and I’m thrilled that I can “camp” in the bedroom this evening with the distraction of tv and a fire in the adjacent living room crackling merrily away.
It flurried off and on today, but the temperature rose to 47 this afternoon and between snow showers there was sunshine. Above: my view from the bedroom.
Bob was impressed with everything…
After a couple of days above freezing, we are making some progress with the snow melt. The actual driveway is showing…
I might see the walk to the garage soon. I suppose I’m paying more attention to the melting as I keep looking at the huge mounds of snow from the roof shoveling and driveway plowing and wondering exactly how long it will take for them to go away. But finding it interesting that they “shrink” from underneath and seem to take on a bit of hollowness. I’m sure there is a physics type explanation…but I remember from years past that they will shrink fairly rapidly until they get to a last little bit which then seems to take forever to disappear.
The sun fought to make an appearance yesterday and on last evening’s walk even found a few holes to shine through, lighting the mountain tops briefly.
At the north end of the range, snow squalls moved over the mountains and partway down to the lower foothills.
It is still technically Winter for a few more days, but Spring is trying – we are getting there!
I have had 3 rather intense work days. But, the work went mostly well and the deadline was met early this afternoon. I’m beat.
In the midst of all, we did not miss any walks or stomach rubs. The main thing lacking was a bit of sleep – for me. That will be rectified tonight!
In that arena of “why didn’t I do this sooner”, early in the week I searched our local “trader” paper and found someone to haul away the gutters, porch rails and rv steps that have been annoying me and taking up garage room. (see Damaging steps and Porch rails )
In that way of small town, small worldliness, Greg, who hauled the stuff away, works at the shop where I take the Jeep and motorhome (engine stuff). He didn’t recognize me. He recognized the Jeep, the red Jeep. Well…I like it too.
I finished work early in the afternoon. Karl and I headed to town for groceries, stopping along the way at a favorite spot for a walk. It was snowing lightly, but not very cold.
On return, after all was put away and a light dinner had, I enjoyed the rest of the evening…
…from the front porch.
And yes, there is a bottle of wine stuck in the snowbank. Turns out a snowbank keeps Chardonnay at the perfect temperature.
A little Gorilla Glue ( Snowshoe Surgery ) … a little bracing and my Salomon snowshoes are back in business!