By the lake
As it has so often these past days, the sky cleared late afternoon and the evening is beautiful. Karl and I walked along the shore until the sun dropped back into the clouds.
As it has so often these past days, the sky cleared late afternoon and the evening is beautiful. Karl and I walked along the shore until the sun dropped back into the clouds.
On seeing the photo from the last post of the field and lake, Marge asked if the snow was mostly gone.
March 31…it seems like it was just early January and I was looking at the two and a half months of winter to go – thinking that spring seemed a long way off. And now, only hours until April 1.
In the valley and even at my house, 100 feet above the valley floor, there is more bare ground than snow.
On our loop walk, there are plenty of spots for a snow loving dog to walk and roll in…
The home woods ground and the driveway are clear with only the piles of snow from plowing and shovelling.
It has been mostly rainy and dreary – good weather for cozying up inside with a small fire going in the woodstove. It is not done snowing here, but it will snow and melt and snow and melt and the day is not far off when I may have to get out a rake and do something about pine needles, pine cones and sticks.
Yesterday was Karl’s 10th birthday! We zipped into town at lunchtime to pick up a couple of pig’s ears for a birthday treat. He had one yesterday and the other is being saved for later this week.
A quick walk in rain, snow and sleet and then we were on our way home.
This photo shows it all: dark clouds to the right, sunshine from behind and to the left, squalls around the lake and a flock of birds overhead.
The sun won out for a beautiful evening and Karl had a very happy birthday.
For a change of scenery, Karl and I headed east on our road to Echo Lake. We haven’t been since late Fall as the pavement ends not far from my driveway and the narrow, winding mud and gravel road is a bit harrowing in Winter. It wasn’t great today, but the Jeep managed with just a little slip-slidery along the way.
It has been so warm and I’m used to Flathead Lake so was surprised into laughter to see Echo Lake still frozen over.
Karl seemed mystified.
Where the heck is that water that used to be here???
…keep looking…
Is this a joke?
March is half gone! Spring is 5 days away…officially! It has been above freezing and there is more ground than snow or ice. It is out of the photo but there is blue sky to the west – southwest.
Karl is feeling good and at his post: Morning Glory!
A photo from my phone…I took this late yesterday (Sunday) afternoon. The loop walk we do around the adjacent property, loops around a kind of bowl…some remnant of a long ago glacier. Although we didn’t do the loop walk, we did venture out on “our” side of the bowl. There was a shady spot with a great view, Karl’s perfect choice for a rest stop. The temperature was right at 50F – downright balmy for a March day in Montana!