Posts from the ‘Montana’ category

Winter walk by the Ice House

There WAS snow from the blizzard – just 7 miles to the west in Somers, on the trail by the ice house. It was hard to tell how much had fallen as a good bit of the snow was blown here and there.

It was late afternoon and the sun was making a valiant effort now and again.

Along with the new signage on the trail, there is a kind fellow with a 4 wheeler keeping the trail plowed.

At 17F, with a brisk breeze, and the sun dropping behind the mountains to the west, it started feeling decidedly cold as we turned back toward Somers.

To the east, the mountain tops were in the clear against a cold wintry sky as Karl and I took a Winter walk by the Ice House.

The fog lifts: on the Road Home

Yesterday afternoon, like Christmas Day, the sky suddenly cleared overhead and the sun broke through.

The hoar frost will not disappear until we get drier, warmer air.

But blue sky and clouds lit by the sun provided vivid color.

The fog lifts: on the Road Home.

Christmas Tradition

Karl and I have a Christmas Tradition. Early afternoon on Christmas Day we go for a long walk. I always hope that I can be on snowshoes and this Christmas I was. The deep snow from November had melted, then froze and earlier this week was topped with two fresh inches. It was perfect. We circumnavigated the property and the state land…in no hurry. The freezing fog had fed the hoar frost so the woods appeared like a frozen swamp – icy tendrils hanging off branches and moss.

Although the fog made the 24F temperature seem colder, we were both warm on our return so ended with some time on the front porch.

I sipped on fizzy apple cider and sat enjoying the quiet.

As Karl and I sat and watched, the sun came out, the fog lifted, the trees sparkled.

Christmas Tradition.

On the first day of Winter

I put the snow thrower through its paces… only 2 1/2 inches of new snow, but I wanted to see if I could flatten out the ruts of frozen slush. I was partly successful – the driveway is better than it was and both the thrower and I survived the experience.

Then, a morning walk in brilliant sunshine…

On the first day of Winter.

Sunshine on the water looks so lovely

Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy
Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry
Sunshine on the water looks so lovely
Sunshine almost always makes me high

John Denver “Sunshine on my shoulders”

Photo taken 12/18/2010, Wayfarer’s Park, Bigfork, MT. The morning and afternoon were gloriously sunny, although COLD at 10-16F. No one at the park but Karl and I. We meandered along the lake shore and the cliff area behind the campsites.