Posts from the ‘Montana’ category

Braving the cold

The morning started out at a brisk 13F. Bob’s threshold is somewhere around 10F. He sniffed the air, hesitated just a moment and then headed out.

Morning rounds progressed normally for Bob.

Karl took up his post in the rear side yard.

The sun came out and as there is a Winter Storm Warning starting tomorrow at 5 a.m. and continuing until Tuesday at 5 p.m., Karl and I took advantage of the sun and calm with a walk on Swan River Trail.

It was 19F by this point and although the sky looks very wintry, with the sun and only a little wind – AND warm clothes/fur – it was a beautiful walk.

We came home the back way, around the northeastern end of Echo Lake. The sun was taking turns with snow squalls by this time but we made a stop at the fishing access for a second walk before heading for home.

If they are right, we won’t be going far from home for several days – today was the day to brave the cold.

The Road Home gets it’s Winter on

The work week took over this past week and I hardly set foot off the property. Even a hoped for short Friday didn’t happen. In the middle of the week, it also became apparent that I’d better “rush to completion” all of the outdoor winter preparations as our first arctic cold spell was forecast to arrive last night. It did arrive with cold temperatures and an even colder north wind.

Things are quiet at my house as it sits shadowed from north and northeast winds, but down the hill it is a different story. Spring and Summer take their time arriving in Montana, but Fall and Winter tend to jump the gun. The Road Home – it has it’s Winter on.

By the light of the silvery moon

I remember my Mama and even my Papa singing me this song when I was little…

Mama, Mama, put the cat out tonight
Cat out tonight, cat out tonight
Worked all day, I’m gonna scat out tonight
And I won’t be home until dawn

Gonna dance with a dolly with a hole in her stockin’
While our knees keep a-knockin’ and our toes keep a-rockin’
Dance with a dolly with a hole in her stockin’
Dance by the light of the moon

Gonna dance by the light of the moon
Dance by the light of the moon
By the light of the moon

I remember the words as “by the light of the silvery moon”, but above is what turned up in my Google search. Last night, as Karl and I returned up the driveway, the clouds gave way to let the waxing half shine through. It was timely as my flashlight batteries were giving up the ghost. The moon found a hole in the clouds as I was standing in the dark trying to shake out the last bit of juice.

The light from the moon was in just the right spot to illuminate the dark part of the walk back. I laughed out loud because the timing was funny – my flash went out and the moon came on. Karl picked up my excitement…game on!

Our dance was a game of soccer in the sideyard…by the light of the silvery moon.